
Best Practices for Internal Recruitment

Best Practices for Internal Recruitment

If your company does not have a culture of internal recruitment, it is high time that its benefits are promoted. Last week we saw why it is necessary and its benefits. This week we will look at some best practices for internal recruitment. 

Have Regular Conversations with the Team

One of the biggest reasons in favor of Internal Recruitment we know is that managers are wary of losing top performers and promising talents to the competition. That is why it is essential to create a culture of internal and cross-disciplinary recruitment. Internal recruitment is also about nurturing your employees’ growth and helping them reach their career goals within the organization. Managers must have regular catch-up meetings with their team members to understand their evolution in skills, interests, and aspirations. 

Lay Down Some Ground Rules

If your company already encourages internal hiring, it is worth considering whether you have any non-verbal ground rules for the same. Regardless, it helps to draw up a set of guidelines or policies in writing to mitigate tricky situations and conflicts that will occur. For instance, is an open position open for all employees? Should they consult their Manager before applying for the position, especially if it is in another department?

Hold Interviews for Internal Contenders also

Even if you have a certain employee on your mind for an open role, it is always advisable to shortlist and meet a few candidates internally to assign a role. You might prove yourself wrong and find a better fit. It does not necessarily have to be based on the same criteria you would follow for external candidates, but this would give the other staff a fighting chance.

Avoid Favouritism

Several managers are guilty of promoting a subordinate just because they like them and not necessarily on a merit basis. Some of them do even though they are aware of the bias they possess. If you are somebody who tends to make biased decisions and is struggling to change, you should take the assistance of somebody else like your superiors, or peers or their peers. Asking them for their impression of a certain candidate may give you access to some interesting insight you may have overlooked.

Ensure that they are the Right Fit

When promoting, always make sure that you are putting the right person in that capacity. There is nothing worse than a manager who cannot lead their team. Therefore, you should not judge someone solely based on their present performance. For example, if you head a Sales Department and you want to promote a Sales Representative to Team Leader, do not just look at the revenue they bring in. It is a leadership position, so see if they possess the leadership skills. And evaluate them by giving them the lead on multiple projects to see how they fare.

Clear Communication is Key

If there is an open position available, circulate the message among your staff. Furthermore, encourage them to apply if they meet the requirements and if they feel they are the right fit. That brings us back to our second tip, ground rules. Ensure that they are aware of the ground rules or policies they have to adhere to. Nevertheless, it is also best to make it a responsibility of the managers to monitor the promises and developments shown by the company staff to see if there is an opportunity to promote them.