
The Key to Increase Motivation among Work Teams

The Key to Increase Motivation among Work Teams

Work teams within departments are all too common in organizations. People who work best together and easily gel into a single unified team form such groups. The benefits of having such teams in your organization are aplenty. Furthermore, those benefits increase tenfold when they are dedicated or motivated to stay loyal to your company. Such teams promote feelings of positivity at the workplace and display increased productivity, creativity, and energy. For organizations of any size, the benefit of motivating their staff and their various teams can be invaluable and can bring higher profits and better performance. It is easy to think that the paycheck is all the motivation your staff needs to be motivated but that cannot be farther from the truth.

Employees require more than just that as incentives to keep performing. Understanding why this is a necessity can help you understand its benefits.

Reward Over-Achievers

If an employee loses interest in their job, it can hardly be considered unusual, especially if they have been working on the same job for several years. Productivity suffers when employees have little reason to improve or push through. However, when workers feel engaged and motivated there is usually a corresponding increase in productivity, output, and profits. Adding more and better goals for their work, and rewards for completing them can keep things more interesting for them. This teaches them to work harder, which increases productivity.

Seek Feedback

Always seek feedback from your employees. For this, there has to be an effective and hassle-free feedback mechanism in place. The absence of back and forth communication between employees and their employers can increase feelings of frustration and that kills a team’s motivation. Soliciting advice and seeking their opinion frequently is an essential tactic for driving your team towards a specific goal. Making them feel heard and getting their opinions on things can make them feel valued and important. Involve your people by collecting and recording feedback at the weekly meeting and through one-on-one meetings. 

Delegate Tasks

This is may not be obvious but it is most effective when you are grooming somebody into leadership roles. When employees feel trusted and see that you assign them the most impactful tasks and projects, they are inspired to always improve and do better. That means it is fundamental to assign tasks that are suited to individual performance levels.

Help them learn from their mistakes and fall forward

Employee motivation can be easily broken by small defeats like not meeting a sales target or missing a deadline. Being in a leadership position, you have the responsibility and the opportunity to turn such a situation around and help them fall forward instead of falling backward. This is done by helping them learn from their mistake, i.e. why did they fail in that situation. It is easy to encourage your team when they are on a winning streak but the true fulfillment of leadership lies in shepherding your team through downfalls.