
Talent Assessment in 2022: Assessments that will not change and other trends

Talent Assessment in 2022: Assessments that will not change and other trends

Talent evaluation, recruiting, and retention have all changed dramatically over the years. To address future difficulties and developing trends in recruiting, employee management is continuously evolving and transforming. Disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data are driving talent acquisition and making it more appealing than ever. With the ever-changing recruiting trends, agencies and businesses must keep on top of the game. First, let us just define what assessment is.

Talent Assessment provides an overview of whether the candidates are qualified for the position. Candidate personality, skills, competencies, work ethics, attitude, and social abilities are some of the topics of talent evaluation. It offers valuable insights to HR teams about their candidates and improves talent acquisition decision-making. Most mid to large-sized firms’ recruiting and promotion processes have traditionally included talent assessments. They have a variety of applications, ranging from “time-pressed” Cognitive test Suites to “find yourself” Personality Profiles to “let’s see what you’ve learned” Skills Tests.

Talent Assessment Fundamentals will Remain Unchanged

The fundamentals of talent assessment, which are applicable regardless of the size of the business, will remain the same. Briefly, these fundamentals include things that are independent of tech and have more to do with principles and policies. Such as a systematic process of doing things from job analysis to validation, fair and efficient recruitment processes, a competent assessment team, etc.

Another aspect that will remain undisturbed is the CV or Resume. They are expected to survive in one form or the other. Understanding someone’s work experience is simply too relevant to recruiters.

5 Upcoming Human Capital Assessment Trends…

1. More Investments in Talent Assessment Technology

Last year saw significant changes in occupations, the nature of employment, organizational structures, and the nature of team interactions. Investment in technology solutions has skyrocketed, and everyone was interviewed online. Huge investments were made especially in AI sourcing, screening, and customized candidate experience solutions. The same has continued in some respects, though not at the same speed the momentum has continued.

2. New Assessment Models

Since there is a shift in work and occupations, we can also expect a change in the paradigm of assessment models, organizational values, leadership style, success profiles, etc. The trend toward assessing largely on skills and developing skill taxonomies falls within this category.

3. Super Simulations

New technology (AR, ER, VR, etc.) and the Metaverse should increase the number of alternatives for creating and customizing online work simulations. This has the potential to give high validity evaluations at scale.

4. Recruiters will become more Accountable

Data analytics with video interviewing may form a perfect storm for improving interviewing abilities. As a critical but inept component of far too many selection procedures, this may be an opportunity to make a meaningful impact.

5. Diversity will be key to quality decision making

There were significant advances in terms of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion last year, at least in the United States and Europe. The dominant prediction among experts is that this will directly equate to better evaluations during interviewing and recruitment processes.