
Mehan – Metaverse in the UAE Corporate Sector

Mehan – Metaverse in the UAE Corporate Sector

Welcome to the world of endless possibilities for the UAE Corporate Sector, where the physical and digital spaces go hand in hand. Let’s meet in the Metaverse and explore a new dimension. Nowadays avatars are a fashion statement and virtual partying is the latest hype.

Metaverse is an ideal escape from reality, allowing you to enjoy virtual reality gaming along with social networking. Mehan brings forth how you can live out your wildest imagination and passionate dreams via this advanced concept.

Watch out for a completely new world, full of untiring opportunities!

Start preparing yourself to absorb every bit of it!

So sit tight for an exciting roller coaster ride full of madness and thrill! What are you waiting for? Let’s get right into it and discuss what the new concept has in store for you!

Understanding the New AI in the UAE Corporate Sector

The immersive nature of the metaverse inspires divergent thinking and improved communication among team members. It’s hard to imagine how the multiverse can be utilized. You can use virtual reality (VR) technology to offer recruits a virtual tour of the office. You can:

  • Trade in real estate and purchase land
  • Host live functions and events
  • Play games wherever you want
  • Engage in confidential meetings
  • Go on virtual sites and field trips
  • Can produce artificial training simulations
  • Attend live concerts
  • Visit virtual showrooms etc.

Today Mehan will elaborate on the metaverse meaning in the UAE Corporate Sector. The metaverse has the power to fundamentally alter the way the globe conducts business. Various industries and complex business processes will undergo a significant technological shift due to the metaverse upgrade.

However, it is unclear how precisely a 3D internet, will alter working conditions. This is because the technology needed to radically modify workflows is in its infency. Therefore, it is not clear how users will interact with the Metaverse.

Paradigm of the New Virtual Workspace

The virtual workspace has the potential to boost the following:

  • Digital collaboration
  • Accelerate training
  • Decrease the need for physical office space
  • Make the usual work routine a more enjoyable experience

Nowadays, the digital divide doesn’t just refer to being unable to access the internet and use computers. It has got more to do with the attitude of people at work. Many seasoned professionals are only familiar with the fundamentals of email, web searching, and Microsoft Office. They rely on other co-workers or the IT help desk when something goes wrong instead of learning the process themselves. They will reach out to others for help like for a thousand times, but avoid doing it on their own.

Young people, however, have all the required competencies to compete in the virtual world successfully. They have a more intuitive understanding of modern technology and are relatively more tech-savvy than the older generations. Even if they are unaware of something, they would quickly google it.

Therefore, we can say that this newly introduced virtual universe is more optimized for the youth and millennials.

Now you must have developed a strong hold on the matter. It’s time we start using technical terms and jargon to understand how this newly formed digital realm works!

Understanding the Metaverse in UAE Corporate Sector

Neal Stephenson, a science fiction author first used the term in his 1992 novel Snow Crash.

Matthew Ball, author of The Metaverse And How It Will Revolutionize Everything, defines this virtual world as having the following characteristics:

∙ Massively scalable, interoperable, real-time 3D
∙ Synchronicity and persistence
∙ Continuity of data, identity, history, entitlements, objects and payments across worlds.

Virtual Reality helps train people for physically demanding jobs, like law enforcement, surgery, manufacturing, astronauts and pilots. Training in Augmented Reality is much safer and cuts costs when physically using specialized equipment in volatile locations. Virtual Reality did not just transform operations but has also influenced metaverse hiring and onboarding procedures in the corporate sector.

It’s an easy concept to understand, but the real drill begins when we implement it! Let’s look into how to integrate the new cyberspace with business operations at an organizational level.

Reconfiguring Current Processes to Integrate with the metaverse

The metaverse promises to bring new levels of social connection, mobility, and digital collaboration to a world of virtual work. When co-workers operate remotely, it negatively affects their ability to collaborate. Communication is hampered since real-time in-person meetings are being replaced by exchanges over email or digital collaboration tools.

This contributes heavily to the phenomenon called “Zoom Fatigue”. Zoom fatigue is a feeling of exhaustion, anxiety, or burnout brought on by using virtual platforms for communication excessively. Therefore, optimizing processes for the metaverse at organizations has become the need of the hour.  

Every company has unique business operations and we can’t generalize a plan for each. However, Mehan suggests a few common ways for everyone to consider:

  1. Critically analyze all your business processes and check if anything can be upgraded by installing the new multiverse.
  2. Next, search for the various alternative platforms and technologies and decide which one would be most adequate.
  3. Develop a proper action plan to integrate the selected virtual technology with your existing workflows. You can reach out to consultants and service providers to help you design and implement it
  4. Once it is implemented, don’t launch it directly. Test it first and monitor the performance to identify potential loopholes.
  5. When everything is tested and successfully executed, maintain a regular checkup and inspection. This way you would know when a system upgrade is required or when to call the maintenance and repair team.

The process of installing the metaverse will be different for companies and will strictly depend on their existing workflows.

Summing it all Up!

The advent of remote and hybrid work has significantly altered assumptions about why, where, and how people work. The workplace of the 2020s already looks disparate from what we could have anticipated only a few years ago. However, this is not where the tale of digital workplace development ends.

The emerging metaverse technology offers businesses a chance to balance hybrid and remote work. It allows one to reclaim the spontaneity, interaction, and enjoyment of group learning. It also allows adaptability, productivity, and convenience of working from home.

Companies should provide their teams with the tools and resources to succeed, even if that technology is a VR headset. Metaverse can be leveraged as an internal business tool as it gains popularity. Mehan will continue striving to bring out the latest studies and knowledge about the metaverse to the users in the UAE.

So stay in touch!