
Mehan – Saudi Arabia, Localizing the Consulting Jobs

Mehan – Saudi Arabia, Localizing the Consulting Jobs

The article discusses Saudi Arabia’s plan to localize consulting jobs across the country. Keep reading to know about the initiation of the localization drive.

Saudi Arabia has an extensive and well thought out Vision 2030. The country is considering localizing their consultancy jobs and going a step ahead with this. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD) has recently announced the onset of the first phase of this plan.

The main aim is to promote job opportunities for Saudi nationals and reinforce their economic engagement. This way, the country will optimally utilize the available workforce and control the unemployment rate further.

Multiple supervising agencies are teaming up to provide collective and extensive assistance to private sector establishments. The new localization drive aims to enhance Saudi talent in the strategic domain, local content development, and organize the overall job market. Today’s article delves into the details of this governmental scheme and how it will impact the respective stakeholders.

The Initial Phase

The first stage of localization begins on April 6, 2023, covering all consultancy jobs across the industry. The scheme mainly targets consultants and specialists, seeking to localize up to 30 percent of their jobs. By creating work opportunities for Saudi citizens, the country seeks to boost their labor market operations and success rate. The Saudi Government aims to leverage local skillsets and working capacity. This inceptive phase lays a foundation for the entire localization drive.

Collaboration and Support:

The successful execution of this purposeful venture relies on strong collaboration between various regulatory authorities:

With a combined effort, these institutions aim to promote Saudi nationals in the consultancy sector.

To assist private corporations with onboarding Saudi citizens, MHRSD is providing several provisions. This entails:

  • Supporting professional development
  • Conducting qualification and proficiency programs
  • Optimizing employment protocols and hiring
  • Offering necessary resources like applicant tracking systems ATS, etc.

Additionally, the local content and public supply agency are ensuring thorough compliance with localization standards in consulting contracts. The Saudi government procurement authority has issued an extensive tutorial that outlines the particulars of localizing consulting jobs.

Future Reflection on Consulting Jobs:

The localization of the consultancy sector will profoundly affect the Saudi job market. By creating better job opportunities for Saudi nationals, the initiative seeks to upgrade the overall employment landscape. Furthermore, this attempt will also improve local participation and overall expertise and knowledge will rise in the consultancy sector.

This localization drive perfectly aligns with Vision 2030, which seeks to diversify the Saudi economy and minimize its reliance on oil revenue as much as possible. This way, the government aims to empower the country and foster long-term economic growth, innovation, and maintenance.

Summing it up

According to Mehan, localization of the consulting jobs highlights a critical milestone in Saudi Arabia’s journey toward economic diversification. With cooperation and assistance from various government entities, the initiative seeks to introduce a range of employment opportunities for Saudis all across the country.