
Performance Appraisal – The Reasons and the Benefits

Performance Appraisal – The Reasons and the Benefits

Getting the best out of workers has never been easy. The circumstances for success at work have only gotten harder as a result of shifting public and company views. These expectations particularly hurt “people businesses” such as hotels, and as a result, staff morale may suffer. Having said that, getting the best performance out of staff members may have a significant impact on customer happiness, which directly benefits the business. One method to do this is by using performance reviews.

Performance Management is not just about dealing with “poor performers”. A process starts with hiring the right people, establishing realistic expectations, coaching staff to provide effective, high-quality service, and dealing with underperformance proportionately and sensibly is what Performance Management is all about.

What is Performance Appraisal?

An examination of an employee’s accomplishments and contributions to a company during a specific period is called a Performance Appraisal or Review. It considers the development, successes, and abilities of the person. Companies can keep track of employee performance to decide whether to give bonuses or let them go. Depending on the organisation, performance appraisals may be conducted annually, semi-annually, or regularly. If you are not aware there are typically 7 different types of Appraisals

  • Traditional performance appraisals: Based on an employee’s work and supporting documentation, a superior evaluates their performance.
  • 360° Review: Superiors, colleagues, supervisors and the individual make an evaluation, allowing for feedback from all directions of the team.
  • Self-Appraisals: An employee evaluates their performance, taking both their successes and failures into account.
  • Employee-Initiated Review: To find out how they are doing and to ask for more work or a higher position, an employee asks their manager for a performance review.
  • Group Performance Appraisal: Superiors evaluate the effectiveness of the entire team within a business, occasionally allowing staff to comment on their colleagues.
  • Upward Appraisal: Staff members provide feedback on how their team leads are doing.
  • Negotiated Appraisal: A mediator assists management and employee in talking about work performance; they typically start by discussing the employee’s good work before providing constructive criticism.

Performance reviews are a tool used by organisations to better understand their workforce. These assessments give managers the chance to learn about each employee’s strengths and limitations so they may best utilise them in the workplace and boost their performance in the future. Organizations use performance reviews to identify which employees can take on more responsibility in the workplace and which ones require additional training.

Benefits of Performance Appraisal for the Company

The performance appraisal process may significantly influence employee engagement and morale. Any of the above evaluation techniques frequently offers managers and staff insightful information that aids businesses in making decisions about bonuses, increases, promotions, and other benefits. Managers can also use it to help their team members advance their careers by defining medium- and long-term goals for them. Conducting performance reviews regularly can keep staff members engaged, motivated and driven to work more. The following are some advantages of performing a performance evaluation.

1. Improves Organizational Performance

Giving feedback encourages workers to perform successfully. When management offers compliments to their staff, they are more likely to work harder. Performance evaluations can assist provide employees with an incentive and reward for their hard work because they are frequently used to determine how to offer incentives.

2. Improves communication between employees and management

Performance reviews provide managers a scheduled, predetermined time to talk about how each employee is performing overall. This allows for a free-flowing conversation without interruptions. Managers can coach staff members and provide advice on how to enhance their performance during these meetings. Open communication with your team members is essential before, during, and after the appraisal. According to Forbes, less than one-third of workers claim to always be aware of their workplace performance. Use these opportunities to set realistic goals and expectations, which helps in determining top performers and laggers. Additionally, during appraisal meetings, staff members have the option to voice any issues they may have and ask questions.

3. Supports Professional Development

Performance reviews can highlight areas for development and assist managers in determining the staff members’ training requirements, resulting in a more effective workplace. You can use them to identify potential talent and gauge when your team members are prepared to assume more responsibility. Additionally, businesses that support employee growth find it simpler to draw in and keep talent. Utilizing performance reviews, businesses can identify which employees are not up to par, and their areas of weakness and may benefit from a workshop.

4. Increases Employee Engagement

Participating in performance reviews regularly can increase employee engagement and make them more likely to want to work for a company in the long run. Employees are more likely to perform well when they can see how their actions affect the business as a whole. Regular performance reviews also demonstrate to staff members how much their manager values them and is prepared to invest the time necessary to provide them with the guidance they need to succeed.

5. Aids in the documentation of the Employee’s time at the company.

Managers can monitor an employee’s performance and progress by keeping a record of their work over a predetermined period. Organizations can save each employee’s records in a personal folder for further review. This aids in informing superiors in higher management about workers with whom they might not have regular contact.

Appraisals also offer insightful information that managers may use to spot talent and determine the training requirements of their team. A performance review is a conversation. Employees must have the confidence to be transparent and honest. They must also believe that feedback is not intended as criticism but rather as a way to increase their productivity and sense of appreciation at work, which will make them happier overall. As a result, the language you use to provide feedback must adhere to this philosophy.

Benefits to Employees themselves

Effective performance reviews can raise employee morale, boost output, and increase work satisfaction. Furthermore, these reviews, when done right can also contribute to their overall personality, career development, and motivation to work and contribute. Organizations use performance reviews to identify which employees can take on more responsibility in the workplace and which ones require additional training. They allow supervisors to discover what each employee’s strengths and weaknesses are so they know how to best use them in their organization and improve their future performances.

Final Thoughts

Performance appraisal is not a replacement for constant constructive feedback. Annual performance, especially, is insufficient to fully understand how well your staff are doing and feeling. A Gallup survey indicated that employees who have spoken with their boss regularly at least once within the last six months are 2.8 times more likely to be engaged, and many HR organisations now recommend semi-annual or quarterly reviews.

The main benefit of 360°Evaluation is that it tells the employee how their work affects that of other employees rather than their accomplishments. The purpose of the feedback is to give the employee a fair representation of how others see his or her performance

There are, however, a few pitfalls to be aware of. Performance reviews and appraisals may easily go wrong and be unhelpful for everyone involved. It is critical to know what to discuss. Consider a reporting system that keeps track of fundamental data like employee attendance rates and problems to better predict your staff’s performance in advance.