
Three Key Areas, HR Professionals Need to Upskill

Three Key Areas, HR Professionals Need to Upskill

Human Resources is a broad field of knowledge that includes a wide array of functions such as payroll management, recruitment, employee engagement, performance management, training, employee wellness, and personal development. Nevertheless, one of the most important functions is of nurturing a positive and healthy work culture because happy employees automatically translate to happy customers. There is a reason why HR is sometimes called the backbone of the organization, albeit sometimes undervalued and under-staffed.

To effectively carry out the critical responsibilities of HR, one must be ready to learn and upgrade one’s self to be successful or to make a difference in this fast-evolving atmosphere. Covid is only one of the many phenomena that grabbed and forced us to re-think our business models and operational processes. We are still living through economic uncertainty and other challenges that were brought about by the pandemic. This week we will look at some of the skills that have been overlooked over the years and, if taken importantly, will help facilitate organizational functioning and raise their professional caliber.


The HR professional is practically a channel for communication between the top management or leadership and the organization. For that reason, or maybe that reason alone, an HR professional must have their communication game on point. HR must maintain a professional and assertive communication style in all aspects of your work from being the voice of the organization among the employees, passing down information, and giving feedback.

This can sometimes become the hardest thing to do such as when you have to communicate a policy or company rule that may not be popularly accepted by the staff. In such cases, use the PREP method. PREP is an acronym for Point, Reason, Example, and Point. For example, if you have to reprimand an employee, be crisp and clear about it. Begin with a concise and simple point and then articulate why you support that decision. Then, use an example to illustrate it with an example and finally make your final point. Always remember to manage your tone, expressions, or body language.


Being Proactive is a personality trait that is often overlooked when it comes to the HR function. If your company is still employing a remote form or hybrid form of work, the potential for problems to come up is higher. Being proactive help you identify those problems, sometimes in advance, and prevent them from escalating further. Proactivity can also be developed as a skill over time if you cultivate the following habits daily – focus only on what you can control, prioritize your tasks, think through your actions and get working.


We are living through a mental-health crisis and most of us struggle with finding the right work-life balance. Develop a set of coaching skills that can help you improve how you can facilitate that and help with your staff’s mental health. Effective coaching skills will empower you to resolve conflicts and become a better personnel manager. Here is a tip, learn to ask constructive questions that will focus on the solution instead of the problem. Be mindful of not offending the person while you are at it. 

This is not to be considered an exhaustive list of skills that needs an upgrade. Of course, other traits need attention too, which will have to be discovered on a personal level. HR professionals can also benefit from developing emotional intelligence, empathetic listening, and interpersonal skills. Having a dedicated team of HR professionals is imperative for an organization today. If you have one, it is important to develop and upgrade them.